Rowena Leung
Rowena Leung RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Rowena Leung is a Toronto-based Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator who is well equipped to serve the multicultural population as Rowena is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Rowena is currently one course short from obtaining her culinary certificate from George Brown College. Born and raised in Toronto, Rowena’s palate is reflective of the diverse population who call this city home. Be it individualized counseling sessions or group education sessions, Rowena’s goal is always to provide practical and tangible nutrition tips for individuals to take home and incorporate into his/her own daily lives.
Rowena is very focused on providing patient centered care as she believes that she is a cheerleader for each and every one of her patients. From a patient’s perspective, Rowena is often described as optimistic, approachable, friendly, energetic and makes recommendations that are realistic and achievable for the individual.
Rowena shares her nutrition knowledge with the general public through different channels. She posts regularly on her blog,, where every Wednesday is Wellness Wednesday and every Sunday is Skincare Sunday. Rowena regularly accepts media requests from Fairchild TV & Radio, OMNI TV and various newspapers & Rogers TV.
During Rowena’s down time, you can find her trying out new restaurants all over the GTA with her friends. Brunch is her favourite meal! Rowena recently became a new mother to a baby girl. You may also catch her walking her mini golden doodle (Millie) in and around the city. Rowena also loves to run outdoors and enjoys a Reformers Pilates class from time to time.